One of our discoveries has again made it into STAT Madness, an annual competition to determine the year's biggest biomedical advance. And your votes will help decide the winner!
This year's contender comes from the lab of Hui Li, PhD, of our Department of Pathology. He and his collaborators identified the oncogene (a cancer-causing gene) responsible for glioblastoma, a form of brain cancer that is often fatal within a year of diagnosis. His discovery opens the door to new treatment approaches.
Voting just opened this morning at the STAT health news site, and we took off to an early lead against our first-round "opponent," The Rockefeller University. (I put opponent in quotes because all of these discoveries are, of course, a win for science and for all of us.)
While we surged early on, these things can turn on the head of a pin. So go check out the bracket and cast your vote!
This is the third year in a row we've made it into the March Madness-style tournament, which speaks to the exceptional work our researchers are doing, I think.
It's wonderful to see Professor Li's work recognized, and it's wonderful to see he's in such fantastic company. Even amid the pandemic, scientists have continued to make great strides not just against COVID-19 but in many other important areas as well.
Here's the link to the bracket for sharing on social media:
Please share and vote!