Our Patrick Jackson, MD, an infectious disease expert, is feeling very optimistic. Read why and learn about how the forthcoming drugs work.
Our Patrick Jackson, MD, an infectious disease expert, is feeling very optimistic. Read why and learn about how the forthcoming drugs work.
A blood test at the time of diagnosis can identify patients most at risk for needing a ventilator later on.
The victory over polio should give us hope in the battle against COVID-19, two of our researchers say in a timely new editorial.
Bill Petri, MD, PhD, has earned a well-deserved recognition from Va. Gov. Terry McAuliffe. The governor and the Science Museum of Virginia have named Dr. Petri one of Virginia's Outstanding Scientists for 2017. That's quite an honor. The chief of our Division of Infectious Diseases and International Health, Dr. Petri…
Dr. Leigh Grossman has a new book out for parents about daycare-acquired infections, and there's an interesting story behind it. She had written a popular book for physicians on the topic, but parents were so hungry for information that they started buying it online. The book clearly wasn't written for…
Dr. Bill Petri and his colleagues research malnutrition and undernutrition in the slums of Bangladesh, where people live in poverty we in the Western world can scarcely imagine. The researchers take young mothers and their children into the study and provide them with food and medical care. But after they…