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The Making of Medicine

Author: Josh Barney (Page 58)

video post
We’re Out to Save Boys From Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

I want to share a video with you. It's about our new effort to figure out how to beat Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Duchenne robs boys of their ability to move and ultimately kills them at a young age. We know what causes the condition, but, frustratingly, promising treatments consistently fail.…

Asthma Drugs May Prevent Deadly Pneumonia

Two common drugs, Accolate and Singulair, may do more than treat asthma and allergies. Our Thomas J. Braciale, MD, PhD, and Amber Cardani, PhD, have found that the drugs also may prevent the flu from turning into a deadly form of pneumonia. Flu doesn't usually make its way deep into…

Scientists Revive Microbes That are Both Ancient and Freaky

This is amazing. Scientists have reported successfully reviving life forms that have been trapped in crystal for at least 10,000 years and possibly up to 50,000 years. The microbes were discovered in giant crystals inside Mexico's Naica mountain caves, a place so inhospitable that it has been called Hell. But…

Bill Petri: Virginia Outstanding Scientist

Bill Petri, MD, PhD, has earned a well-deserved recognition from Va. Gov. Terry McAuliffe. The governor and the Science Museum of Virginia have named Dr. Petri one of Virginia's Outstanding Scientists for 2017. That's quite an honor. The chief of our Division of Infectious Diseases and International Health, Dr. Petri…

Funding for UVA Research Shoots Way Up

Great news for the research enterprise here at the School of Medicine. Our funding from the National Institutes of Health climbed a whopping 25 percent in 2016. The total funding tallied more than $126 million, up from $101.2 million in 2015.  That's important because that money is what allows our…

An illustration of human DNA
The Future of Genome Modification

Did you know that scientists have already genetically modified a type of mosquito to help reduce the spread of malaria? That tidbit's from an interesting article on UVA Today about the future of genome editing. It's a Q&A with UVA public policy professor Randall Lutter, a faculty member at UVA’s…
