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The Making of Medicine

Author: Josh Barney (Page 61)

Cool: We Can View Genes In Living Cells

For Mazhar Adli, the little glowing dots dancing about on the computer screen are nothing less than the fulfillment of a dream. Those fluorescent dots, moving about in real time, are set to illuminate our understanding of the human genome, cancer and other genetic diseases in a way never before…

Check Out This Facebook Live on the Depression Discovery

Researchers Alban Gaultier, PhD, and Ioana Marin appeared on Facebook Live to talk about their depression discovery and take audience questions, and I thought you might like to see it. This is really some amazing work. In a nutshell, they determined how chronic mild stress caused depression symptoms in mice,…

An Insider’s View of the Probiotics and Depression Project

Ioana Marin is a graduate student in neuroscience here at UVA. She's pictured at far left, along with researchers Jennifer Goertz and Alban Gaultier, PhD. They made the very cool discovery that it’s possible to reverse the symptoms of depression in mice just by feeding them Lactobacillus, the probiotic bacteria…

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Probiotic in Yogurt Can Reverse Depression Symptoms

In a tremendously exciting finding, our researchers have found that they can reverse the symptoms of depression in mice just by feeding them Lactobacillus, the bacteria found in yogurt with living cultures. Better yet, they have reason to believe that their findings will hold true in people as well. “The…

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We’re Out to Save Boys From Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

I want to share a video with you. It's about our new effort to figure out how to beat Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Duchenne robs boys of their ability to move and ultimately kills them at a young age. We know what causes the condition, but, frustratingly, promising treatments consistently fail.…

Asthma Drugs May Prevent Deadly Pneumonia

Two common drugs, Accolate and Singulair, may do more than treat asthma and allergies. Our Thomas J. Braciale, MD, PhD, and Amber Cardani, PhD, have found that the drugs also may prevent the flu from turning into a deadly form of pneumonia. Flu doesn't usually make its way deep into…
