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The Making of Medicine

Author: Josh Barney (Page 61)

When Research Becomes Something More

Dr. Bill Petri and his colleagues research malnutrition and undernutrition in the slums of Bangladesh, where people live in poverty we in the Western world can scarcely imagine. The researchers take young mothers and their children into the study and provide them with food and medical care. But after they…

Raiders of the Lost Ark

Deep in the bowels of UVA's Claude Moore Health Sciences Library is a treasure trove of medical history. In a secure facility on the very bottom floor are stored all sorts of astounding relics, from a lancet owned by UVA's first medical professor, Robley Dunglison, to the papers of UVA…

The Biggest Stories of the Last Five Years

I’ve been covering medical discoveries at UVA for about five years now. The two stories that have hit the biggest in the media have been focused ultrasound, which I told you about here, and Jonathan Kipnis’ discovery of a previously unknown connection between the brain and immune system. You’d think…

The late John Herr, the inventor of a home fertility test for men, made the list.
An Unexpected Goodbye

John Herr died unexpectedly in late September. Dr. Herr was the director of our Center for Research in Contraceptive and Reproductive Health. He was working on a new form of birth control for men, and he was the creator of SpermCheck, a male fertility test you can find in pharmacies…

The Crystal Palace

Early on in this gig, I was asked to write a release about crystallography. This was a challenge, because I had no idea what crystallography was. I replied that you don’t see stories about crystallography in the mainstream press, which is true. But it’s also a shame, because, it turns…

Jeff Elias, MD, pioneered the use of focused ultrasound for treating the most common movement disorder.
How a Pen Cap Could Kill You

If you look at photographs of our Dr. Jeff Elias and the focused ultrasound equipment, you’ll notice the images tend to be fairly similar. That’s because they have to be taken from outside the room where the equipment is located. The ultrasound is guided by magnetic resonance imagery, and that…
