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The Making of Medicine

Category: Uncategorized (Page 44)

A statue of Thomas Jefferson in front of the Rotunda at the University of Virginia.
Are We Really Living Longer?

The answer may surprise you. Check out this interesting article from BBC Future. Among the questions answered: Was 30 considered "old" in the Roman empire? What about 50? And how do we really know?

Jonathan Kipnis, PhD, chairman of UVA's Department of Neuroscience and director of its Center for Brain Immunology and Glia (BIG).
A Pioneer Award for Truly Pioneering Research

Our Jonathan Kipnis, PhD, has made a series of amazing discoveries, starting with his identification of vessels connecting the brain and the immune system that were not supposed to exist. Now his game-changing work has received a most prestigious recognition: The Director's Pioneer Award from the National Institutes of Health.…

The late John Herr, the inventor of a home fertility test for men, made the list.
A Dozen Great Discoveries From UVA

The fine folks over at UVA Today, the daily news site for the university, have picked a dozen of UVA's biggest scientific discoveries from the last 50 years, and the School of Medicine was responsible for seven of them. Great work, SOM! Check out the article here. (Pictured: The late…

Ronald Turner, MD, has identified a correlation between the mix of bactiera that live in your nose and the severity of your cold symptoms.
Your Nose Inhabitants May Affect Your Cold Symptoms

Interesting new research from our Ronald Turner, MD, has found a correlation between the bacteria that live in your nose and the type and severity of the cold symptoms you develop. Looking at participants in our long-standing cold study, Dr. Turner and his colleagues identified six common mixes of nasal…

The black mamba is one of the deadliest snakes in the world, but it prefers tp flee humans rather than attack them.
Deadly Snakebite: What the World Should Know

You hear a lot about shark attacks, but sharks kill only about six people per year in unprovoked attacks. Meanwhile, someone dies from snakebite every four minutes. Up to 5.4 million people are bitten by snakes each year. To combat this huge and largely unrecognized problem, a coalition of global…

Frederick G. Hayden, MD, examined the effectiveness of a new anti-flu drug, baloxavir marboxil, also known as Xofluza.
One Dose to Shorten the Flu

A single dose of a new drug can shorten the duration of flu symptoms by about a day, according to a new paper published by our Frederick G. Hayden, MD, and colleagues. The drug, baloxavir marboxil, appears to reduce symptom duration by about the same amount as an existing drug,…
