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The Making of Medicine

Category: Uncategorized (Page 46)

An image of a bacterium stealing DNA.
Watch DNA Being Stolen, in Real Time

For the first time ever, we can actually see a bacterium steal a piece of DNA in real time. In the video you'll find at the link above, the bacterium Vibrio cholerae reaches out and grabs a free-floating piece of DNA so that it can stitch it into its genome.…

J. Julius Zhu, PhD, of UVA's Department of Pharmacology..
Making Medicines Without Side Effects

Our J. Julius Zhu, PhD, and his colleagues have found a way to create drugs without side effects. Basically, they've developed a lab technique that will add a whole new layer of precision to the concept of "precision medicine." The technique is built on their discovery that the same molecule…

A closeup of a microscope slide
A Health News Watchdog Stands Down

Health News Review, a watchdog site I told you about previously, looks to be calling it quits. The site's funding has dried up, and so it looks like the site will largely go dark at the end of the year unless additional funding emerges. The site has posted an outside…

Some of the people behind PositiveLinks: Tianyi Jin, web developer (from left); Rebecca Dillingham, MD, MPH; and Marika Grabowski, clinical data manager.
How a Smartphone App is Improving Care for People With HIV

It's always lovely to see when our research is making life better for our patients, and here's a concrete example of that: Our PositiveLinks app, which was designed to improve care for people living with HIV, has been shown to increase users' consistency in keeping their doctor appointments and, ultimately,…

A team of our researchers has linked sensitivity to an allergen found in red meat with increased buildup of fatty plaques in the arteries of the heart.
Meat Sensitivity Spread by Ticks Linked to Heart Disease

The meat allergy spread by ticks continues to get more interesting -- and concerning. A team of our researchers led by Coleen McNamara, MD, has linked sensitivity to the allergen in meat to increased buildup of fatty plaque in the arteries of the heart. Note that I said "sensitivity to…
