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The Making of Medicine

Author: Josh Barney (Page 39)

Researchers are seeking to understand why people in the rural South tend to die earlier and have more health problems than people elsewhere.
Seeking Solutions to the South’s Health Problems

Our Paul V. Targonski, MD, PhD, is helping to lead a massive, multi-state effort to determine why people born in the rural South tend to have more health problems and die earlier than people elsewhere. Importantly, he and his colleagues are looking not just for causes but solutions.

Edward H. Egelman, PhD, stands with hands clasped in front of a glass doorway illuminated by sunlight outside.
One of Science’s Highest Honors

Congratulations to our Edward H. Egelman, PhD, on his election to the National Academy of Sciences, one of the greatest honors a scientist can receive.

This image shows a baby in a crib. It is taken from the top of his head.
Soft Bedding: Deadly for Babies

Soft bedding was responsible for almost 70% of deaths among babies who died from sleep-related suffocation between 2011 and 2014, a new study from our Dr. Fern Hauck reveals.

This is an orange on a neutral background, sitting on top of a roll of paper towels.
If You Take Vitamins, Read This

A new study funded by the National Institutes of Health found no benefits to taking vitamin supplements and suggests we should be getting our vitamins the old-fashioned way: by eating healthy food.
